Betsy Bouffard

Betsy Bouffard

Instructor + Owner

Betsy’s yoga journey was on and off for years after her first class in 1998, but became a consistent part of her life in 2018. In the midst of personal growth and change, yoga was a launching pad to the sort of life she wanted to live.

Betsy received her YTT 200 from Parallel 45 in Vancouver in the summer of 2020, and completed the Leadership Training of Y12SR (yoga of 12-step recovery) under Nikki Myers in January 2021. She is honored and grateful to hold space for all people touched by addiction and teaches with Kula for Karma weekly. Betsy is a perpetual student of yoga and has completed her YTT 300 through Yoga Renew, and an additional YTT 200 with Mojave Yoga Collective. She has completed certifications in Yin Yoga (20 hours), Yoga Nidra (40 hours), and SUP (stand up paddle board) Yoga (18 hours).

Betsy enjoys the life-altering and affirming guidance of her many teachers, sharing the hope and joy of yoga and all of the teachings it provides. Through yoga, she looks forward to her own continued growth, and yours!

Outside of yoga Betsy enjoys time with her husband Steve, daughter Nola, and sweet dog Trixie.

Barb Miller

Barb Miller


Hi! I’m Barb Miller!

I am a recent transplant to the Pacific Northwest, having moved here in June of 2021 to be close to my only grandchild. Originally, born and raised in Indiana, after spending 7 years in Milwaukee, WI and the last 25 years in Orlando, FL, Washinton has been a BIG change! I am married and the mother of 2 grown sons.

Exercise, nutrition and wellness have always been a priority in my life, but I had only dabbled in yoga along the way. However, in 2016, my life changed in a dramatic way. My older son, who had struggled with addiction, was the DUI driver in a fatal crash that killed a young woman. Complete devastation followed. I turned to ALL things yoga as therapy and a path to healing. Yoga changed my life and I soon developed a deep desire to share the many benefits of yoga with others. I earned my 200 hour yoga teacher certification (under Shannon Kidwell / Sweetwater Yoga / Orlando, FL). I also earned space-holder certification in Yoga of 12 Step Recovery or Y12SR (under Nikki Myers). Teaching yoga has given me the opportunity to help and guide others on their own healing paths as we all navigate the complexities of life.

I would love the opportunity to guide you!! I offer clear, concise guidance and I believe you will find my classes to be accessible for the beginner and beneficial for even the most seasoned yogi. My style of yoga is mainly Hatha. As a senior citizen myself, I understand the aging body. I make it my goal to guide all of my students of all ages through a safe, alignment based, breath focused and fun yoga practice that will make you feel better overall...Mind, Body and Spirit.

Alway a student, I am currently in a continuing education mentorship under Dr. Ariele Foster of The Yoga Anatomy Academy. This is an anatomy based mentorship and relates to the functional movement of yoga asana. I will complete my Yoga Anatomy Academy Mentorship Certification August 2022.

When not on my yoga mat, you can find me enjoying the great outdoors, power walking, cooking, exploring new music, watching crime TV, being an attentive plant mama and Super Nana!

Brittany Kelly

Brittany Kelly


My passion in life lies in health and wellness. My purpose is to create an environment that focuses on positive physical and mental health habits. My classes are designed to be inclusive, safe and accessible for all bodies, and taught from the perspective of someone within the neurodiverse community. Moving our bodies is a privilege and I am honored to share my practice with you!

Christopher Hirsh

Christopher Hirsh


Christopher ( he / they ) is a white, queer, non-binary person located in what is now known as Portland, OR, the traditional village sites of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. Christopher is a multi-disciplinary artist, educator, facilitator, justice activist, consultant, and coach.

After working as a performer, director, and producer for 20 years in theatre and film they have spent the last decade studying and connecting meditation and mindfulness, the breath, movement practices, and nervous system regulation techniques with an intention to resource the human body, mind, and spirit, and deepen our capacity in moments of individual and social change. Christopher holds and MFA in Performance from UCONN, and they’ve trained in trauma-informed care, energy medicine, Yoga sciences, breath and vocal production, active listening, psychological first aid and so much more.

Damon Gaylor

Damon Gaylor


Damon Gaylor started making Yoga a daily part of his life while completing his 200-hour yoga certification in 2015. “I always loved yoga and wanted to learn how to design and lead yoga classes that people enjoyed effectively.” He continues to teach at local studios and gyms and hopes to provide an inclusive environment for everyone to experience their yoga path. When not on his mat, you can find him leading a Zumba class, knitting, or hanging at home with his family and beautiful granddaughter. Damon doesn’t take himself too seriously but is passionate about helping others progress in their yoga journey.

Emily Klepper

Emily Klepper


Emily Klepper (she/her), 200hr RYT, began her yoga journey in 2015 shortly after her daughter was born. Emily loves the way yoga combines movement, self-care, and spiritual development into one holistic practice. She finds yoga helps her slowly grow stronger, more gentle with herself, and more aware of her perceptions that guide her point of view.

Emily completed her first 200 hour teacher training with NOW Yoga in Portland, Oregon. With a desire to learn more, she completed her second 200 hour RYT program with My Vinyasa Practice based in Austin, Texas. Emily will continue to explore the tradition and wisdom of yoga through her own practice, studies, classes, and teacher trainings.

In a class with Emily, you can expect to slow down, check in with yourself, move your body, gently build strength, and hopefully leave feeling calm and content. Emily strives to hold space for students to safely explore asana and feel like their yoga practice is valid no matter what it looks like. She likes to offer options for each shape so that everyone can find something that feels good in their practice.

When Emily is not practicing yoga or teaching, she enjoys being with her family and pets, playing in her garden, and spending time in nature.

Emily Taylor

Emily Taylor


Emily is a yoga teacher and international retreat leader with over a decade of teaching experience. Shortly after getting a degree in Psychology from San Diego State University, Emily completed her first 200 Hour vinyasa yoga certification. She found that the connection between mind and body wellbeing was what interested her most. Since then she has continued to deepen her studies with a 500 hour Prana Flow training, a 200 hour Hatha training, and master immersion courses.

Emily spends her day-to-day teaching private and public classes in Portland, Oregon. She also offers a variety of workshops and retreats throughout the year. You can learn more about Emily at

Haley Finnegan

Haley Finnegan


Haley began practicing yoga in high school after an injury ended her athletic activities as a pole vaulter and cheerleader. Naturally overactive and anxious, yoga (particularly Vinyasa) provided an outlet for Haley’s energy and has helped her find deeper spirituality and inner calm.

Through creative flows and mindful movement, Haley encourages her students to find their own personal edges, listen to their bodies, and find both agency and self-compassion on their mats. Offering her students a challenge, no matter their level, Haley is ready to cheer you on and crack a joke or two (because life shouldn’t be too serious, and neither should yoga!)

When not teaching in the studio, at the park, or on a stand-up paddleboard, Haley leads transformational retreats and programs that combine yoga, meditation, and outdoor adventure where she guides others to seek their peak. You can learn more at

Joelle Stewart

Joelle Stewart


Joelle has always been drawn to yoga for the instant mind-body connection. Her personal practice has been a way for her to find joy in movement, be kind to her body, and manage stress. She has been practicing on and off since 2015, and after recently having her two children, turned to yoga to find postpartum healing and to practice calm and presence as a mother.

Joelle is passionate about mental health, especially for parents of littles and for those who have experienced disordered eating.

Outside of the studio Joelle is a mix-medium artist and loves to incorporate different creative elements into her meditations. She finished a 200 YYT with Mojave Yoga Collective in November of 2022 and is excited to offer all-levels vinyasa, yoga for creatives, and restorative classes.

Kaleisha Marks

Kaleisha Marks


Kaleisha (she/her) started her yoga journey at 16, taking classes at Clark College and local studios on and off for a few years. She fell in love with the way yoga made her feel in her mind, body and soul which led to dreams of becoming a yoga teacher. In 2022, after making the choice to better her life and heal from life‘s trials, she came back to her practice for assistance. With the help of her mentors, the philosophy of yoga and a new found community, she began to build an abundant life that she will forever be grateful for. She gained a new found strength that she didn’t know she had.
Yoga truly saved her life.

Kaleisha received her YTT 200 form Mojave Yoga Collective and Trauma and Addiction Advanced Training from Kula for Karma in May of 2024 and plans to further her education in the years to come. Kaleisha‘s YTT experience was life changing and would lead to a future of teaching the practice that she holds so close to her heart. She is overjoyed to make that 16 year old girl’s dreams come true.

Kaleisha is extremely passionate about self-care, mental health, recovery, healing from past trauma, and giving back to the community. As a teacher, Kaleisha wants to spread love, healing, encouragement and understanding to her students. Whether it’s through Vinyasa, Yoga for Recovery, Restorative, Yin, Gentle or Slow Flow, Kaleisha wants her students to feel safe and supported. Her main goal as a teacher is to help heal and build her fellow yogis up to find their own inner strength and peace at their own pace. She looks forward to continuing to grow in her journey and watch others do the same.

Off the mat, Kaleisha enjoys spending time with her family, going on outdoor adventures, baking, traveling, reading, music and comedy (life’s second best medicine, next to Yoga).

Marybeth Stephens

Marybeth Stephens


Marybeth fell in love with yoga in 2017 when she was seeking a new way to build strength and better cope with a fast paced job / the stresses of everyday life. She has been committed to a strong practice ever since.

She has had the privilege and pleasure to belong to three studios in Vancouver which has given her exposure to many teachers and styles of yoga. She is always up for checking out a new studio near and far and loves seeking out opportunities to learn new skills, styles and methods.

She received her YTT 200 from Parallel 45 in Vancouver in spring 2022 and is excited to share her practice with the community. Vinyasa is her passion.

When she is not working or on her mat, Marybeth can be found spending quality time with her family and friends. She loves discovering all the PNW has to offer, including getting out in nature to walk, hike and SUP.

Mikhayla Pitts

Mikhayla Pitts

Massage Therapist + Instructor

My name is Mikhayla and I am a passionate massage therapist and yoga teacher. I recently graduated from massage school and I‘m thrilled to announce that I’m starting my massage therapy business at Heights Yoga, a beautiful studio that exudes warmth and positive energy.

Although I‘m not currently teaching yoga at Heights Yoga, I’ve been a yoga teacher for four years and have a deep appreciation for the practice’s ability to promote physical and mental wellness. Teaching gives me an opportunity to help students connect with their bodies, breath, and inner wisdom while building strength, flexibility, and balance.

As a massage therapist, my focus is on healing and wellness. I offer a variety of techniques to help my clients achieve their health goals, and I always tailor my sessions to the unique needs of each individual. By providing personalized attention and nurturing touch, I create an environment of trust and relaxation that allows my clients to surrender and let go fully.

I‘m excited to be starting my massage therapy business at Heights Yoga. I genuinely believe in the power of touch and movement to help people discover their own healing potential and live their best lives. So if you’re seeking relief from pain or stress, I‘m here to help. I can’t wait to see you on the massage table soon!

Morgan Furgeson

Morgan Furgeson


Morgan (she/her) It is my belief that the first sacred space we encounter in life is our physical body and it is through the body and our senses that we experience and hold all of life. The trauma, the pain, the joy, the tension, the peace, our bodies feel it all. My intention in my practice and as a teacher is to create space (physical, mental, emotional, energetic) so that we can bring awareness to our whole system. Through my offerings I hope to allow for an atmosphere that gives us time to ground in our body, recognize our own energy, learn and listen deeply to the language of our body and being, and allow for movement towards strength, mobility, flexibility, mindfulness, and connection.
Yoga has been woven into my life since the first moment I experienced it when I was a teenager. I apprenticed for 2 years under an incredibly experienced teacher with 30+ years of connection to Yoga in College while earning my degree in Art and Psychology. I earned my 200hr shortly after that through Blue Nyla Yoga led by an amazing Yoga Therapist and continue to delve deeply into the anatomical side of this practice through my own study and from schooling/continuing education. The philosophy of Yoga will always be at the center of my offerings and rooted deeply in my heart.
Outside of Yoga you will find me at Connect Wellness Spa where my Massage Therapy Practice (Sacred Sol Wellness LLC) is located, channeling my creative energy into surrealism oil paintings, drawings, and sculptures that reflect aspects of consciousness, the cosmos, and nature. I might be hiding in a good book or creating my own stories exploring nature with my daughter Ru and partner Sampson, who is always supportive of even my most wild adventures. Or possibly, I am cuddling my cats because everyone deserves moments of peace and rest.

Nicki Taylor

Nicki Taylor


Nicki has been in love with movement of the body since she was a young girl. She was a ballet and Jazz dancer as a kid and dancing actually became her full time career. Nicki started her yoga journey in 2004 when she was recovering from a dance injury and could not perform. Her mom suggested she try a yoga class and the rest is history. She used the yoga as her rehabilitation and has never looked back. She instantly fell in love with the effects of the practice and noticed the positive benefits not only physically, but yogic philosophy became her lifestyle. Nicki’s yoga background includes Annie Carpenters Smart Flow, Vinyasa Flow, Yin, Restorative and more. Nicki is certified in Trauma recovery yoga as well as Pilates and Bootcamp. With over 1,000 hours of training experience, and over 5,000 hours of teaching experience, she and her yoga partner Kelsey Sellman now lead 200 RYT trainings with their school The Mojave Yoga Collective. When Nicki is not doing yoga, she dives deeper into meditation, reading, journaling, and is in love with self study or “self work”. She attends 10 day vipassana retreats, and loves to continue to learn. Something you might not know about Nicki is that she completed her first 200 RYT training with her mom and her brother. Some of her influences are Alan Watts, Abraham Hicks, Eckhart Tolle, Paul Selig and for a good laugh JP sears.

Paris Steinbaugh

Paris Steinbaugh


Paris is a RYT 200 hr certified Yoga Teacher and Crystal Singing Bowl Soundbath Practitioner with a passion for teaching Yin, Restorative, Chair, and Gentle Yoga classes. Paris received her YTT 200 from Mojave Yoga Collective in November of 2022. Paris incorporates crystals, sound, breathwork and meditation into her classes. She loves the connection of breath, body, and mind.